Plymouth General Dentistry, PLLC

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

May 7, 2020 @ 09:00 AM — by Joan Kirschner
Tagged with: Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are a versatile and cosmetically pleasing restorative treatment. Crowns can cover a damaged tooth or they can be fitted onto a dental implant to replace a missing tooth.

Due to the high quality of the restorations that Dr. Joan Kirschner offers, the crowns placed at our Plymouth, NH, dental practice can last longer than the typical lifespan of dental crowns. Patients can extend the lifespan of dental crowns by following the tips offered in this blog post.

Average Lifespan of Dental Crowns

The lifespan of a dental crown can vary greatly depending on many factors. On average, patients can expect their crown to last between 10 to 15 years. Factors that can influence the lifespan of a crown include:

To ensure that your crown enjoys a long lifespan, Dr. Kirschner does not work with in-house milling systems like CEREC®. Dr. Kirschner works with trusted labs that focus solely on fabricating high-quality, beautiful crowns.

Tips for Extending the Life of Your Crown

Patients have an active role to play in extending the lifespan of their dental crown. Following these tips can help you avoid premature wear or accidents.

Protect Your Crown

Never use your crown to pry open objects or to tear packages. You should treat and protect your crown like you would natural teeth. If you play active sports, consider wearing a mouthguard.

Address Conditions that Can Damage Your Crown

Bruxism is a condition that causes involuntary nighttime teeth grinding. Over time, this condition can damage your crown or cause it to become loose or dislodged. Dr. Kirschner can provide you with a custom night guard to protect your teeth and crown. Night guards can also alleviate jaw pain related to TMJ disorder.

Be Careful What You Eat

Do you chew on ice? Are your favorite snacks sticky or chewy? Biting hard foods can chip your crown if you are not careful. Chewy foods can potentially dislodge your crown. Be mindful of foods that can loosen or damage your crown.

Oral Hygiene and Dental Visits

Protecting the underlying tooth and gums that support your crown is essential to extending the life of your dental crown. Flossing underneath your crown can reduce your risk of gum disease. Regular visits to our Plymouth, NH, dental practice allow Dr. Kirschner to check the strength and stability of your dental crown.

Schedule Your Dental Crown Consultation Today

Dental crowns restore your smile following tooth decay or tooth loss. Dr. Kirschner works with trusted and experienced dental labs to deliver crowns that are beautiful and incredibly durable.

If you are ready to explore the benefits of dental crowns, please contact our office online or call (603) 536-4301.