Plymouth General Dentistry, PLLC

Coffee and Red Wine after Teeth Whitening - How to Preserve Treatment

Nov 7, 2019 @ 10:44 AM — by Joan Kirschner
Tagged with: Teeth Whitening

When dental stains or discoloration compromise the appearance of the smile, professional teeth whitening offers a way to restore its beauty. Teeth whitening treatment lifts surface stains and brightens the color of the teeth by an average of six to eight shades.

Teeth whitening results will not last forever, but they should be long-lasting. Unfortunately, beverages like coffee and red wine can stain the teeth and shorten the lifespan of teeth whitening results. Here, Dr. Joan Kirschner discusses how our Plymouth, NH, patients can enjoy coffee and red wine after teeth whitening without ruining the results of their treatment.

Avoid Coffee and Red Wine Immediately after Treatment

For many people, coffee and red wine are beverages that are enjoyed on a regular (and often daily) basis. Patients don’t want to hear that these drinks should be off-limits after teeth whitening treatment. Fortunately, it isn’t necessary to avoid coffee and red wine for very long.

Dr. Kirschner typically recommends that patients stay away from these beverages for a minimum of 24 hours after teeth whitening treatment. During this time, the pores of the tooth enamel will be enlarged, making the teeth especially susceptible to stains and discoloration. Every patient recovers at his or her own rate, but once pores shrink back down, coffee and red wine can be enjoyed as usual. A good rule of thumb is that once tooth sensitivity subsides after teeth whitening treatment, it should be safe to have coffee or red wine, provided certain precautions are taken.

Take Precautionary Measures When Drinking Coffee of Red Wine

After teeth whitening treatment, the teeth are still prone to dental stains and discoloration. Since coffee and red wine are both deeply colored and highly acidic, they can compromise the color of the teeth. To prolong the results of teeth whitening treatment, our Plymouth patients should take certain precautionary measures:

Don’t Forget Maintenance Treatments

It is inevitable: stains will develop over time, even after a person has undergone teeth whitening treatment. Our Plymouth patients should not hesitate to schedule maintenance teeth whitening treatments as necessary to preserve tooth color. Many people find that, by scheduling take-home maintenance teeth whitening treatments every four to six months, they can enjoy a bright, white smile for much longer. If discoloration is more severe, teeth whitening treatment can be repeated once a year, or once every couple of years, to restore a brighter, more attractive smile.

Schedule an Appointment

Professional teeth whitening treatment is one of the safest, fastest, and most affordable ways to enhance the appearance of your smile. If you would like to find out if teeth whitening treatment is right for you, call (603) 536-4301 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Joan Kirschner at your earliest convenience.